Bollywood actress Vidya Balan will play the lead role of Indian mathematical genius Shakuntala Devi in her upcoming biopic. The film will be directed by Anu Menon and is set for summer 2020 release.
Vidya Balan is very much excited about her role in the film and said, "I am extremely excited to play the human computer, Shakuntala Devi, on the big screen. She was truly someone who embraced her individuality, had a strong feminist voice and braved many a naysayer to reach the pinnacle of success."
Never being received a formal education, Shakuntala Devi, a small town Indian girl, is widely known as the "human computer" and her ability to make incredibly swift calculations. The mathematical wizard has her name in the Guinness Book of World Records for demonstrating the multiplication of two 13-digit numbers by mental calculations. Her book 'The World Of Homosexuals' is also considered to be the first study of homosexuality in India.
Director of the film is Anu Menon and produced by Vikram Malhotra of 'Airlift', 'Baby', 'Toilet-Ek Prem Katha' fame.
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