Upcoming film Konttho of Nandita Roy and Shiboprosad Mukherjee is creating waves and the film will be released on May 10, 2019. Filmy audiences in Bengal as well as outside Bengal are waiting for the film. Even before release, film Konttho can be stated as a hit film.
Upcoming film of Shiboprosad Mukherjee and Nandita Roy, Konttho has been generating a lot of buzz among the Bengali movie lovers. The social drama revolves around the life and struggle of a laryngeal cancer survivor Arjun who’s also an RJ.
Story of film Konttho
Story of film Konttho is inspired by a real-life incident, it chronicles around the life of a popular radio jockey Arjun Mallik, whose life changes forever when he gets diagnosed with laryngeal cancer. The film deals with the struggle of the artist to survive. Shiboprosad Mukherjee plays the character of radio jockey Arjun Mallik, while Paoli Dam plays his wife Pritha and Jaya Ahsan is a speech therapist in the film Konttho.
Film Konttho’s inspiration came from late Bibhuti Chakraborty, a cancer survivor. Doctors removed his vocal cord through Laryngectomy but Chakraborty did not buckled down. Mr. Chakraborty fought all the adversities and even helped others to overcome their struggles.
Cast and Crew of Konttho
Producer: Windows
Music: Anindya Chatterjee, Anupam Roy, Prasen
Cast: Shiboprosad Mukherjee, Paoli Dam, Jaya Ahsan
Malayalam filmmaker Rajesh Nair has already bought the copyright of the film before its theatrical release. Title of the Malayalam version of Konttho will be Shabdam and noted actor Jayasurya will be seen as the radio jockey.
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