Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Film Thinking of Him – Victor Banerjee as Rabindranath Tagore

Victor Banerjee
Eminent actor Victor Banerjee will play the role of Rabindranath Tagore in Pablo Cesar's Indo-Argentine production, Thinking of Him. The film Thinking of Him explores the poet's relationship with Argentine writer and cultural activist Victoria Ocampo.  Famous Argentine actress Eleonora Wexler will play the role of Victoria Ocampo

Victoria never visited India but the relationship between Victoria Ocampo and Tagore has a mystery attached to it. Victoria had relationships with men of high intellectual caliber - physicists, scientists, philosophers. From Jorge Luis Borges to Albert Camus and Octavio Paz — all were more than acquaintances to her. However, she never loved or worshipped any person more than Tagore.

The film is about what Victoria thought of Tagore and how the Argentinians perceive the poet. Actress Raima Sen is playing an important role in the film - a student of Shantiniketan.

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